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Life of Middle Class People

                 People born in middle class family struggles as much as poor one does. There are many happenings that person gets used to it, like saving water bottles thinking as that will be useful in future, squeeze  toothpaste until last molecule comes out,etc.      Normally, person gets confused over things because he doesn't even know whether a thing is actually affordable or not. To buy any thing, first we have to calculate actual money in our hand. First minus the rent,then bills,then payments,subscription payments,our daily necessary things and at last what about substitutes! That's why most of math's teacher are from middle class family because they are doing it since childhood.       Ordinary life of middle class person is so much simple including so much missions.  He wakes up early in morning, prepare short-goals with his busy time-table,eat,go to work,come back to home,eat , sleep, repeat. Although main mission remains to stick with t