A true friend can betray you!
What do you call a friend? He is a fellow mate of your life journey. He is a true son in the imagination of the mother of a friend. He is a bad influencer in the imagination of the father of a friend. He always stays loyal to friendship. He helps his buddy to deplete problems of his life. He shares a half cigarette with him. He get wounds with his buddy in every fight no matter which. He can ask a girl out on behalf of him, gives a shoulder to cry on. He defends the name of his buddy even when he is not there. He supports each doing no matter how it looks stupid. He ends up his motivation by saying, “Jo Hoga Dekha Jayega!”
In this 21st century, we have thousands of friends on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, but a few in real life. As the age number increases, friends number decreases. In that also, many years take to understand a true friend. Let me make this clear to you that he is not the one who always cheers to you in every goddamn situation, might be he is the one who has slapped you before.
And for those who have tons of friends but can’t find their true one. I will say to listen to the sound in our head. He is the one. It is not necessary to find outsiders of family. We can find our best one in our family as well. Might be he is your father, maybe mother, sister or brother also.
People make mistakes to understand a true friend. Even they call a fake friend as their best one. Most of the time, a true friend is a very difficult subject to understand. Many times, he does lighten the way of our journey without putting even a shadow.
God doesn’t give a chance to choose parents but allows claiming a good friend. He is the family that we can choose. It is very fortunate to have a true friend in our life. And You might want to ask how the hell our true friend can betray us?
Your answer is in the question. You just need to switch your question with Why the hell our true friend will betray us? Does it make sense to you?
A true friend never wants us to take a wrong turn in our life journey. We all know that one wrong turn can ruin our life very badly. And sometimes we may never find U-turn.
A true friend might don’t understand the wrong turn but he can make us identify right or wrong. Also, he will follow the way of the journey.
A Clever true friend will make us identify what wrong and what right on time. Sometimes, we do not get the point of refusing idea, hence we argue and do what we want to do. But the true friend who can simplify right and wrong will always oppose while we are doing wrong against our will. Yes, he will betray you.
Ramesh and Suresh are truly best friends. Ramesh is arrogant and egoistic while Suresh is exactly opposite to him. One day Ramesh wanted a fountain pen and his father refused him. Hence, he decided to steal a fountain pen from his friend Nikhil. Suresh opposed him by telling him how bad the idea was that. But Ramesh didn’t convinced. He stole the pen. Suresh had no option to stop him unless he informed to the teacher. Ramesh had ended up apologizing to Nikhil. Suresh had to betray him for the good.
Many people think about bad wrong in the life journey. But a true friend never let it happen.
It is an alarm to them who does not have a true friend. they usually fail to kick the brake on the wrong turn and U-turn as well. So, it’s better to find a true friend to guide instead of ruining our lives by mistake. And one piece of advice – Do not do anything stupid otherwise your one clever true friend will abandon you not by mistake.
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